The Executive Committee of North West Country has up to twelve members, including a chair, who are elected at the Annual General Meeting for a three-year term, and a non-voting representative from the Rodney Local Board. The executive meets regularly to deliver our Strategic & Business Plan, and approve payments and projects.
The executive committee is responsible for ensuring the business association has the appropriate governance and risk management oversight for the level of BID targeted rate grant monies received each year. The responsibilities of the committee are to:
- govern the association in terms of advancing its objectives relating to the BID programme
- ensure compliance with the association’s constitution and any other applicable law
- fulfill the obligations and compliance set out in the NWC Executive Committee Charter and the Auckland Council Business Improvement District Policy.
- oversee the management, operations and affairs of the association
- ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the BID-operating business association including, sufficient ongoing cashflow to cover the associations’ responsibilities and commitments
- ensure all parties (including BID affiliates) have an opportunity to be involved in the governance, management, and/or to participate in the BID programme
- encourage BID affiliates to become registered full members of the association
- ensure Auckland Council is made aware of any perceived or real/current or potential issue that could impact on the BID programme
Executive committees are charged to ensure that every BID affiliate can participate in making decisions either:
- directly through being a registered member of the association, voting on a decision e.g., AGM/SGM
- indirectly by engaging/speaking with an elected executive committee member or the BID manager.
Committee members represent the townships (Kaukapakapa, Helensville, Parakai, Waimauku, Huapai/Kumeu, and Riverhead) that make up the Business Improvement District and you are strongly encouraged to make contact with them about any issues, or ideas you have to assist businesses and members. Alternatively, you can contact us directly if you wish the executive committee to consider anything at an upcoming meeting.

James Scott
Helensville District Health Trust

Riverhead Township
VACANCY – Please contact us today to join the team!

Kumeu / Huapai Township
Tim van der Kraaij
Bank of New Zealand, Kumeu

Kumeu / Huapai Township
Teresa Nobilo-Healy
Zubu Women’s Fashion Boutique

Waimauku Township
Robbie Hannon
Waimauku Village Pharmacy

Parakai Township
Dan Dale
Parakai Four Square

Helensville Township
Nicky Horsbrough
Harcourts The Difference

Helensville Township
Andy Cummings
The Original Kaipara Tavern

Helensville Township
Chrissy Pridmore
River Valley Meats

Kaukapakapa Township
Michael Yin
The Kaukapakapa Store

Local Board Representative
Mark Dennis
Rodney Local Board