Annual Business Plan, Charter & Budget

Our annual activities revolve around our Annual Business Plan & Budget. This is prepared by the Executive Committee and presented for approval at our Annual General Meeting.

Members are encouraged to speak to their township representatives on our Executive Committee if they have suggestions on matters the association should be focusing on or considering, whether this is a budget item, event support, or advocacy matter we want to hear from you. Your feedback is essential in ensuring we are effectively representing our member’s interests.

View our BID programme documents as approved at the AGM, including:

·         Strategic plan (3-5 year)

·         Business plan current


Your business support for a thriving community.


The North West – New Zealand’s creative playground and premier place to live, work and do business and the location of choice for Aucklanders looking for a new experience.


Inspiring and enabling businesses to thrive in Auckland’s Creative Playground.


  • History – A history of early habitation, adventurous and spirited people.
  • Environment – It offers a beautiful natural environment that helps visitors escape, unwind and connect with nature. Sweeping from coast to coast with rolling hills, forests, and waterways.
  • Food Experience – The place where Auckland’s best quality food, wine, and beer are produced.
  • Spirit – Passionate-spirited people, who are adventurous, express themselves, and strive to deliver exceptional experiences.
  • Adventure – A chance to discover new places, and meet new people. It offers exhilarating experiences that will ignite the senses.
  • LifeStyle – A great place to live with a strong community.


  • Adventurous – we are positive, we challenge, we explore, and we express ourselves passionately.
  • Welcoming- We are down-to-earth, friendly and helpful.
  • Supportive – of each other with a strong sense of community.


  • Become the network connector for businesses in the North West.
  • Provide relevant and timely support and information to members.
  • Promote the North West as Auckland’s creative playground.
  • Celebrate the cultural history of our area.
  • Create a strong business brand of North West Country.
  • Provide a strong and transparent operational foundation.
  • Become the face and voice of the business community.


  • Transport connections.
  • Communicating the vision.
  • Geographic spread of North West area.
  • Appearance of our commercial centres ie: signage clutter.
  • Perceptions around the value the Association can add and get support from existing members.
  • Enhancing the value and perception that North West Country adds.


  • North West’s offering closely matches all the desires of Auckland day trippers with a huge range of activities.
  • North West is seen as unknown but full of potential and therefore offers visitors a sense of new discovery.
  • The North West is closer to Auckland than many people realise.
  • There is a huge untapped audience in Auckland ready to be wowed.
  • New commercial and residential developments and growing local population offer opportunities for existing business reasons for new businesses to set up in the district
  • Building on the things we do well now eg: adventure tourism.

Executive Committee Charter

The operation of the committee is described in the Executive Committee Charter