Annual General Meeting 2024

Our Annual General Meeting has been set for Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at the North West Country business hub, 103C Mill Road, Helensville.

The AGM gives full members an opportunity to provide feedback on the annual business plan, strategy, and budget. Members are encouraged to attend and partake in the decision making.

The following documents will be presented at the AGM:

Draft AGM Minutes 2023 for approval

Draft AGM Agenda 2024

Draft Business Plan 2025-2026

Draft Annual Budget 2025-2026

Draft 3 Year Strategic Plan 2026-2028

Annual Report 2023-2024

Draft Constitution 2024

Special Resolutions

North West Country will be holding three special resolutions as part of the 2024 AGM.

  1. Propose for approval an increase to the BID Targeted Rate Grant of 9% or $17,010.  
  2. Propose for approval an update to the constitution to bring it into alignment with the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.
  3. Propose for approval that North West Country Incorporated register with Incorporated Societies under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.

Join The Committee

If you wish to be considered for an Executive Committee position please complete the nomination form and return it to the General Manager. Closing dates to receive completed nomination forms is Tuesday 8th October at 5pm.

We currently have vacancies for executive committee members for Parakai and Helensville.