Register your Membership with Us Today

For any businesses outside of the boundary of the business association, you are eligible for an associate membership. Simply complete this form and you will have access to the membership benefits.

Associate member fees for 2024 – 2025

North West Country Incorporated is funded through a Targeted Rate from businesses in the Business Improvement District Zone. We welcome businesses from outside that zone joining us through Associate Memberships so they can participate in our promotion of the North West.

To sign up please complete this form, once we receive this we will send you an invoice.

 Our general activities include sponsorship of local events such as arts festivals, Christmas parades and other events, we run ‘buy local’ campaigns, and business promotions throughout the year. Below is an example of some of the services members can access…

Associate Membership

$300pa + GST per year.

Benefits include…

  • Participate and exhibit at any NWC events or festivals
  • Online Business Directory & Website Listing.
  • Active promotion of members to public through ‘Buy Locally’ campaign.
  • Access to members information & news portal.
  • Regular communications on events and activities in the district.
  • Participate in promotional advertising and NWC Business Promotional program.
  • Participate in Annual Business Awards.
  • Advocacy on behalf of businesses to Council and Government.