Established in 2013, North West Country Incorporated business association was formed from the Kumeu Coast & Country Business Association and the Helensville District Business Association. After three years of discussion between the two organisations we came to the realisation that we would represent the entire district better by working together to ensure we were heard by local Government and were able to promote the district effectively with a shared strategic plan.

Following a ballot in 2013 the association became part of Auckland Council’s Business Improvement District (BID) program joining 47 other BID’s across Auckland that are funded via a BID targeted rate grant on commercial buildings within a specific zone.

At the 2017 AGM, North West District Business Association formally changed the name to ‘North West Country’, to bring together the branding messages and remove any confusion between the branding and the association.


North West Country Incorporated is a registered incorporated society and operates as a business association for registered members. Learn more about the organisation through the companies office register of incorporated societies.

The business association is governed by an elected executive committee representing the business association registered members.

Our BID Manager is here to support all members and the Executive Committee. If you need any help please contact Danielle Hancock.


North West Country Incorporated represents, supports and helps over 420 businesses and 467 commercial property owners.

We provide learning and development grants to members to help support the ongoing training and improvement opportunities for team members. 

Members can also apply to the business association for support for business promotion and events.  If you have an event or promotion that you are running you can email the BID Manager and outline the support you are requesting. 

Support can be provided through providing free advertising, merchandise, printing promotional material and sponsorship. We also have promotional flags and marquees you may wish to borrow to support your event.

For many years, North West Country Inc. ran the North West Food and Wine Festival and we look to run one significant evet each year.  Check out our events page to see what is coming up in the area.

We also have our showcase event of the year, the North West Country business awards.  This is a programme for all members to put their names forward in a simple application process, to be considered for the best in their category.  The process involves a mystery shopper, completing some company information, and being assessed by independent judges. The process culminates in an awards dinner at a local venue.

One of the biggest projects that North West Country Inc. has contributed to the local economy is the development of Nga Tapuae o Mua Footprints of the Past.  Starting in Helensville, this is a heritage trail through one of our historical villages celebrating the local history.  With bi-lingual information you can walk the trail and learn about our rich past.