We offer a range of benefits for all members

Business Directory Listings

Every business member get a free business listing in our business directory. Local businesses, residents and visitors can search for your business through our website.

Your listing includes your business website link, promotional information, logo and contact details.

Free Business Promotion

We provide monthly promotion of members through a range of media outlets. We advertise on your behalf in the Kumeu Courier, Helensville News, Helensville Community News, WeST Magazine, Radio and email newsletters.

Free and Subsidised Training Opportunities

We host a range of specialised business training opportunities across the year which are either offered free or at a highly subsidised rate to members. For upcoming events check out our Events page, check out our monthly newsletters, and follow us on Facebook.

Business Networking Events

We host a range of networking opportunities across the year at member locations to enable you to meet fellow business owners and managers. Check out our Events page to see what is coming up.

Members of North West Country Inc. can also become members of the West Auckland Business Club and join neighbouring Business After 5 events.

Access to the Business Hub and Business Resilience Centre

North West Country has established the Business Hub at 103C Mill Road, Helensville. This venue is available for member hire and contains hot desk facilities, free wifi, modern boardroom with video conferencing facilities and kitchen and bathrooms.

The Business Hub will act as the business resilience centre during emergencies. We are developing the site with back up power and Starlink internet so that you can operate your business if your office is unavailable.

Advocacy to Local and Central Government

If you need help dealing with Auckland Council, or have issues with transport, roading, maintenance, signage, consents, parking or public facilities then get in contact with our General Manager. We can support you in your dealings with Auckland Council and help resolve issues quicker.

There are many changes underway for the development of the north west area, as well as legislative changes that can affect landowners and business owners in the area. It is the role of North West Country to advocate on your behalf to local and central government and influence change to support a thriving business community.

Tools and Support for Your Business

We have collated a range of tools for new businesses and existing businesses. For specific support, make sure you contact our General Manager.