Tradies – You Need to Build Systems to Replace Yourself

Is AI going to take over my business? Am I doing myself out of a job if I build good business systems?

Michael Gerber in his book The E-Myth Revisited, talks about the journey of a business owner from Technician to Manager to true Entrepreneur. Most people do not make it to the entrepreneur stage and become stuck at the lower levels. The hardest level to go past is often the technician one. This where the owner feels that he or she must do or control everything themselves. Nobody can do it as well as me. I don’t trust anyone else.

This is a recipe for burnout. In order to move the business to a place where it can really grow and flourish, you need to be able to develop and document systems to help do the heavy lifting for you.  Systems allow you to consistently produce the same results for customers without you being everywhere. They will prevent fires from breaking out and allow you to move out of lower value task areas and focus on the more important areas of the business.

Get you out of the ship’s engine room and on to the bridge!

For help in reviewing your business strategies and direction reach out to me for a complementary strategic review session. Email or call 027-6886721.

Andy Burrows

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