All members of North West Country are eligible to apply to the Business Assistance Fund.

This is an annual fund to support businesses to undertake improvements that support their own business and businesses around them.

Total Available Fund 2024/2025: $3,000

Maximum Grant Payable: $500

Member Eligibility: Maximum one grant per member per year. All membership types are eligible to apply.

Grant Criteria

We will fund:

  • Premises maintenance or aesthetic improvements that will improve the look and feel of the business area.
  • Training and development that will assist the business development
  • Security upgrades that will protect the business from vandalism including software security
  • Premises upgrades that will enable business development such as new technology, physical works and design

We will not fund:

  • Travel and accommodation
  • Retrospective costs
  • Consent costs
  • Legal fees
  • The same project or activity more than once in a given year.

General Terms and Conditions

  • Priority will be given to projects that lead to improvements of more than one business.  Each application must clearly demonstrate how the use of the grant will demonstrate a measurable improvement to the business or the business area.
  • Funding must be dollar matched by the applicant, i.e. if the improvement is valued at $500, the applicant must provide $250 and a grant can be applied for the remaining $250.
  • The North West Country Incorporated Executive Committee reserves full rights of discretion to approve or decline applications without discussion.
  • Grants applications will need to show two formal quotes for the activity
  • Grant payments will be made upon the receipt of the invoice for works completed.
  • Applications can be received at any time throughout the year.
  • Once the grant budget has been fully allocated the grant will close for the remainder of the financial year.
  • All applicants agree that North West Country Incorporated can use the recipient name and logo in marketing material when promoting services that have been provided to the community.
  • All applications will be presented to the Executive Committee for acceptance/approval.
  • All decisions are final.
  • Applicants will be notified in writing of the grant application outcome.

Apply Here