What is a Business Improvement District, or ‘BID’?

The first BID was the Bloor West Village Business Improvement Area, established in Toronto in 1970 as an initiative by local private business. The first BID in the United States was the Downtown Development District in New Orleans, established in 1974. There are now 1,200 across the USA. Other countries with BIDs include Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jamaica, Serbia, Albania, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

The process for creating a BID varies from one jurisdiction to another. In the United States, it generally involves three steps. First, some number of businesses in the area petition the local government to create the BID. Second, the local government determines that a majority of businesses want the BID. Third, the local government enacts legislation creating the BID. Prior to this occurring, state legislatures need to grant local units the authority to create BIDs. 

BIDs in England and Wales are funded by a levy on the occupiers rather than the owners of the properties within the area. If voted in by local businesses, the BID levy is an extension to existing non-domestic business rates. In England and Wales, for a BID to go ahead the ballot must be won on two counts: straight majority and majority of rateable value. In Scotland for a ballot to be successful it must meet four criteria, a minimum turnout of 25% by the number of eligible persons (the headcount) and by rateable value and a majority of those that vote by number of ballots and by rateable value must vote in favour. This ensures that the interests of large and small businesses are protected.

Auckland is growing fast with approximately 660,000 more people expected in the next 30 years. This growth means challenges and opportunities for town centres and key business areas. Through the Business Improvement District (BID) programme, Auckland Council is working with business districts to improve the local business environment and grow the regional economy.  This programme creates a partnership between the council and business associations, which are separate entities. 

Local business and property owners have agreed to work together to provide value to the collective business community by delivering a suite of economic activities.

Auckland Council supports Business Associations operating BID programmes as set out in the council BID Policy 2022.

Who’s Involved in the BID Programme?

BID programmes provide a mechanism and a relationship between North West Country Incorporated business association and Auckland Council. For more information on the Auckland Council BID programme and the BID Policy click below:

Find more about Auckland Council’s BID Programme here.

Find our more about the Auckland Council BID Policy here.

Below are the maps showing the North West Country boundaries in each township covered by our Business Improvement District. Commercially rated businesses/buildings within this zone will contribute an annual targeted rate which is collected by Council and paid directly to North West Country. Currently our $180,000 base annual budget is split on a mix of a flat charge of $250pa per rateable property with the balance made up of 0.00017821% of CV (Council Valuation).

View the individual North West Country BID areas

View the overall North West Country BID map