Where do you start? 

Here are 5 things to include in your digital transformation activity:

1.  Figure out your business strategy before you invest in anything

Leaders who aim to enhance organizational performance using digital technologies often have a specific tool in mind. “Our organization needs a machine learning strategy,” perhaps. The best combination of tools for a given organization will vary from one vision to another, which is why digital transformation should be guided by the broader business strategy and not the solutions

2.  Go your own way.

Organizations that seek transformations (digital and otherwise) frequently bring in an army of outside consultants who tend to apply one-size-fits-all solutions in the name of “best practices.”  A better approach is to rely instead on insiders — staff who have intimate knowledge about what works and what does not in their daily operations.

This has an added benefit as it can help remove unfounded fears that digital transformation will lead to job losses – a common concern amongst organisations which can lead to change resistance. 

3. Consolidate sources of the truth.

Substantial time is lost in the frustrating “shadow work” of trying to navigate the seams within and across silos of information while doing cross-team work. This is can be caused because information is not shared or is stored in multiple systems. It is time to start consolidating (or at least pointing) these data sources into a single place where people can access the information they need to do their jobs in a self-service, real-time fashion.

4. Design customer experience from the outside in

If the goal of DT is to improve customer satisfaction and intimacy, then any effort must be preceded by a diagnostic phase with in-depth input from customers. The only way to know where to alter and how to alter is through obtaining extensive and in-depth input from the customers. Let them prioritise what changes they want to see in your organisation. 

5. Get the right leader involved.

To oversee the execution of each “workstream” (or area of activity), ensure decisions are made quickly, and keep the transformation on course, businesses must create a governance structure and appoint someone to be responsible for the transformation, with regular progress reports to the CEO and board. The ideal leader should have extensive experience in orchestrating transformations and guiding companies through the process, and should bring a perspective focused on what is possible, combining an objective view of best-in-class performance and the company’s current capabilities with a realistic plan for spurring disparate groups to act in a coordinated manner.


There is no argument that digital transformation involves the addition of new technology, but it is not what makes the transformation a success. Technology is an enabler of digital transformation by ensuring that people, process, and information will work efficiently and effectively.

If you focus on equipping your business with the knowledge, training, and leader support required then lasting digital transformation will become a reality. 

Head to Target State, the digital transformation experts to get help to start your journey.

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